So recently (November 2021) we finally released our new Beginners to Expert Course. This course has been designed to take a complete beginner to an expert trader using our world famous indicator the Binary Destroyer. The course is broken down into sections with the first section going over everything to do with market structure and Price Action. This is the fundmentals needed to be consistent. Without understading why the markets move, traders will not understand why their trades win and lose. Once they are consistent using Price Action trading, the course then moves onto teaching them about our Binary Destroyer Indicator and all its strategies.
This is a perfect course for someone who is completly new to trading, and is looking for an online course, with unlimted support and guidance. This course also comes with all our training videos, weekly webinars and prviate Facebook Group.
You can view this course by clicking here.
Beginners to Expert Course Content
- Beginners To Expert Course
- Standard Traders Course
- Price Action Training
- The Binary Destroyer Indicator
- Members Area
- Private Facebook Group
- Weekly Webinars
- Hours of Training Videos
- Updates for Life