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About Us

Launched in 2017 we are celebrating our 7 years of teaching our members the key to success on the charts. Come and join us on our path to creating a greater good for the trading community!

2022 & 2023 Winner of:


Our Courses

Free Basic Course

Experience our training and community with this introductory free Price Action course designed for beginners.

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Intermediate Course

Join our 3,000 members in experiencing the power of the Binary Destroyer indicator and its unique trading style.

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Beginner to Expert

Learn the Binary Destroyer indicator from start to finish, and join our worldwide community with over 3,000 members,

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Support and Resistance

Take your trading to the next level and learn everything there is to support & resistance trading.

Coming Soon

Will You Be Our Next
Success Story?

Join The BD Community


Learn to trade.

Why learn with us?

Apart from trading with our world famous indicator, you will also gain access to our trading community, that boasts over 3,000 members from around the globe. Weekly webinars, hours of training videos, Homework and free updates for life is standard with us. Our customer service and training can not be matched for the price we offer it!


Join the BD Family!

By joining our family of dedicated traders you will learn to develop some of the most powerful skills needed to succeed in trading. No matter what your trading experience and market knowledge is, by the end of your training, you will have all the information needed to master the currency markets. Our training spans the globe to 30+ different countries and our community is rapidly growing. When you become a family member, you are always a family member. That’s why access to our support, training and updates are for life.

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