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3.8 Million Rands in 3 Months

By November 9, 2019No Comments

Before you get all amazed that one of our members has become a millionaire within 3 months because of the Binary Destroyer, you have to remember that the currency is in Rands. Rands is the South African currency, and 3.8 million Rands equals to about $250,000 US Dollars.ย  Still that is extremely large amount of money to be made within 3 months from a $60,000 deposit, but thats exactly what Mareo has done trading with us. From day one Mareo has shown an unusual amount of discipline, determination and passion to wanting to master the charts. He gets involved with all of our weekly webinars, and he has lost count the amount of times he has watched our training videos. This is proof of what someone can really achieve if they truly put their mind to it. The best part about this story is that it is all live trading and verified too. I have attached a copy of his trading history below.



We want to wish Mareo all the best for 2020, and no doubt he will carry on smashing the markets with the new Binary Destroyer 7.0 which is set for release in December this year.

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